A website which is basically only a wall of text honoring people and a way for me to share music and videos i like, this website could break any second cause i have no idea wtf im doing, if you cant read some things then highlight it. Get ready for alot of text
If youre on mobile, the background may be weird
Note: This song is bound to change whenever.
Hiya! I am corruption, I sometimes update this website to express my gratitude about the cool people i met! I also sometimes use this to express my feelings a bit. Who am i? I am currently 18 years old and i love technology! I have a 3d printer, a pc and a few modded consoles! I love playing tons of games and showing people i like stuff i like !!
Last time i updated this website was in march of 2024, It is now febuary of 2025 and alot has happened! I started working, I thought i found true love, It ended and i met tons of cool people!! Alot has happened really fast but i will endure somehow.
This section is entirely dedicated to some of my best friends/favorite people.
June, a big rhythm nerd and cool gal who has shown me many songs that are still in my playlist to this day(Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Fin-).
Static, The one that helped me a bit the first time i made this website, very cool bird person.
Yang/Milky, Weird gal i play roblox with sometimes, Its always fun even though i barely have the time for it nowadays.
Maxy, One of the few friends i have kept since graduating, A smart(sometimes a smartass) Shy fellow.
Luna, A very lovely gal who has stuck with me through thick and thin, She was there for me when i needed the support heavily, She is one of my besties!!
Lee/theo, Lovely boy who is agressively in love with baldurs gate characters. He has stuck by me and helped me with tons of stuff, He is One of my bestfriends!
Ian, An awkward person who is so very nice even if we dont talk that much !! very cool, also lee's lover
Fate, one of the best people i have ever met, i have deep respect for them.
Dusty Logan, Fighting game nerd with funny voiceacting.
Agatha, big touhou nerd who i am playing rainworld with, Note, Does not know how to crouch.
nediak, someone i knew from an old friend group, i love playing with them the few times that we do.
Madeline, A very unique woman, serious yet dorky and she has helped me greatly.
Maris, Maris gwen bonibelle, maris gwen bonibelle, ma- Woman lover, Lover of her own name, she did choose it afterall
crimsonfox, Silly boy whos fun to play with!
julppuu and frolt, two friends which i used to hang out with alot, while we dont talk much anymore they still are lovely.
Ocean, A very respectable person, with strong morals, very fun to talk to.
Crow, my favourite avian friend :D
Kardia, wacky wacky knight gal.
Lara, One of the only people i still have contact with from an friendgroup gone by, Lovely person who rages at games and loves women ALOT
Yuna, An booksmart yet emotionally intellegent girl who is also very very silly, also pretty fun to mess with!
Dany, A loveable yet very insecure buddy of mine who introduced me to some other cool people, Even if its over now i am still grateful for that.
Flo, A very wacky person who loves to cause chaos, Its always fun doing stupid shit with them, even if they are a bit edgy.
My eldest sister/Her boyfriend, Two pillars of my life, Always making me feel welcome whenever i am over at their place and overall supportive people
My brother, tough exterior but a soft center, even if he is an idiot sometimes. Note, does not know how to clean his room
Jaz, The counterpart of my older brother, very literaly. His (alot more organized and clean) partner.
Henrik, Friend of my brother, Pretty fun guy!
Here is a small list of some of the nicknames i have accumulated over the years! Corruption, Corrupted, Rupty, Ruption, Juls/Jules, Blu, Ame/amelia, Sunny, Nunnilie, Nunya, and more i cant remember right now!
if you werent mentioned in this, dont worry, if your seeing this you probably are my friend, maybe one that i dont interact with that much or just forgot while writing this because i usually do it with barely any sleep
this is just to test the second font, ignore if the wallpaper is weirdly looping
^video credits ofc go to the original owner, same applies to the song credits(note, there currently isnt a video here, but when i find a good one it will be shown above)^